Power your business with MaestroWellness
Taking care of your people
has never been easier.
If you’re an organisation with wellness needs, reach out to discuss your options. Our team will review your requirements and help design a customized pricing package.
Our solution engrains a systemic approach to health and wellness in the workplace.
We recognise that all businesses are different, so speak with our team to find a solution that aligns with your organisation’s needs.
What’s included
Extensive vendor
Gain access to the largest and diverse range of vendors in Asia.
Flexible plans for every need
Our platform offers customisable plans for companies at every size.
Personal account
Dedicated account manager with you 
at every point of your journey.
Platform built to drive collaboration & support
Allow employees to share their interest 
and activity to drive engagement.
Tools built to optimise
management flows
Build , launch and manage your 
programme from one dashboard.
Performance reporting and insights
Comprehensive analytics and 
reporting to deliver valuable insights.
Compliance and security at the heart
Rigorous verification review for every vendor in the network.
First holistic wellness 
community in Asia
Tap into our global audience of individuals and corporate customers. We ensure vendors are matched with specific requirements in mind.

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I’m a wellness vendor

I’m an enterprise

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Learn how Maestro Wellness can deliver better results.
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